Travellers of North Cork (TNC) works to support Travellers in North Cork to access good standard, culturally appropriate accommodation, suitable for each family’s needs. Whether your choice is for Traveller specific accommodation in an official halting site or a group housing scheme or standard housing, we will assist you as best we can.
Our advocacy work involves supporting individuals and families in applying for local authority accommodation and making sure their needs are clearly identified and represented. We support the Traveller community in dealing with any accommodation issues, understanding their accommodation rights, and knowing how to register a complaint and seek redress.
Our project has an accommodation working group which works alongside other regional and national groups to promote access to Traveller accommodation and work with service providers to ensure Traveller accommodation needs are understood, respected and delivered.
TNC has developed an accommodation workshop which includes a film show of the play “No Fixed Abode” written by Charleville Traveller Women’s Group. The workshop helps participants to explore issues relating to Traveller Homelessness and identify solutions and actions for change.
If your organisation would like to book our workshop session, which is delivered by Traveller facilitators then please contact TNC on 022 71035 or email for details.