Mental & Physical Health
Travellers of North Cork (TNC) run a Primary Health Care project with funding from the HSE and as part of our health and wellbeing work we run a number of courses and health initiatives each year, including health forums providing guest speakers on different health topics e.g. diabetes, mental health, cardiovascular (heart) health, menopause, nutrition and children’s health etc.
Courses and activities are developed in conjunction with the local Traveller groups, who set up walking groups, swimming sessions, gym and yoga, dance as well as arts and crafts activities and social activities to promote mental health.
TNC support Safetalk training on suicide awareness and promote access to the SMART Recovery programme for those dealing with addiction. We have links with mental health services and low cost counselling services and our Traveller Community Health Workers can provide confidential support to Travellers in accessing the most appropriate service.
Traveller Community Health Workers are Travellers who have training and experience working in the Community. They work alongside other Health Professional to improve uptake and inclusion of Travellers in health services and they act as a link between health services and Travellers to provide information and support.
Our community health workers provide:
- Information on children’s vaccinations
- Support in accessing health services
- One to one support through drop-ins and outreach work in the community
- Information on health issues that affect the Traveller community